International exhibitions occur about every 5 years and started in 1851 with the Crystal Palace in London. For the USA Pavilion at the 2015 Expo in Milan, Reflexions was tasked with creating a digital vision based on the theme of "American Food 2.0" as it promoted food innovation, food security, and sustainability.
We were responsible for all elements of digital strategy, design, development and support.
EXPO Milano USA Pavilion
What We Did
Mobile App Development
Website Development

When you walk in here and you look at what's possible, and you think about transplanting those ideas and innovations to other parts of the world where people are starving—we know that we can fix these problems. And that’s why it’s so important for us all to be here at this Expo, sharing these ideas with the world, learning from each other, celebrating the advancements that we’ve made, but also not being complacent.”

First Lady Michelle Obama
visitors to EXPO Milano 2015
visitors in a single day to the USA Pavilion

The website and mobile app were the centerpiece of the digital visitor experience.
...the World Expo in Milan will be geared to helping the world answer this fundamental question: How do we make sure that future generations—as we go from six and seven billion up to nine billion people in the next 20, 30 years—how do we make sure they have enough nutritional food to eat?”

Secretary of State John Kerry
Welcome to the USA Pavilion, where we’re proud to showcase contributions and innovations America’s making to a central part of daily life all around the world—the food we eat."

President Barack Obama